Siya is the epitome of what a person who works in animal welfare should be.

 He is a true warrior for the animals and loves them fiercely.

Siya loves a happy ending and is all smiles when an animal can be saved and adopted. He has a quiet demeanor and masks his sadness when he is unable to help an animal he wishes to. Siya works with passion and dedication and goes over and beyond the call of duty.

When he lost his home during the floods, against all odds he made it into work as he was worried about his beloved animals. He has a genuine heart for all animals. He will be there for them when no one else is looking, or sees, or cares – this is what makes him our HERO.

Siya – you are the shining light for those animals you care for and love. Thank YOU for being the best example of what everyone who claims to love animals should be! You never lose sight of WHY and you genuinely notice those others turn away from as they may not cross all the boxes and are another statistic – not to you, to you they ALL matter!

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email:
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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