Maverick – a story of transformation through love!

Inspector Petra Abrams responded to a complaint about dogs that were always roaming in the street as they were escaping the property in which they lived.

Inspector Abrams went to the premises and spotted an extremely thin, fearful dog. She spoke with the owner and told her that should the dog not be handed over immediately, the owner would be prosecuted. The owner complied and Petra gently put a lead on the dog and then lifted him into her vehicle to transport back to our Kloof and Highway SPCA.

Inspector Abrams noticed that the dog was terrified of people and decided she needed to help this beautiful dog to learn to trust again. Petra would sit with him gently talking to him and stroking him and at times even lay down next to him to gain his trust. This compassion worked and the dog started to trust Petra and other staff members. We named him Maverick and put him up for adoption, hoping he would find someone who would understand him and give him the love he so needed.

Our hopes were not in vain and Cathy Barnes fell in love with Maverick the moment she met him. Cathy renamed him Charlie as he is so goofy. Charlie loves making himself a bed with toys, towels and blankets. He is in his element when playing throw and catch with his toys and has a new best friend, a St Bernard called Olly (Olly is Cathy‘s son’s dog who was adopted from Randburg SPCA) Cathy has cats and also has visitors with both cats and dogs and is therefore doing crate training with Charlie prior to him being fully integrated with her cats, Molly (also from the SPCA) and Cole. Cathy has no doubt they will all soon be the best of friends as the training is going so well.

Thank you to Cathy and her family for the incredible home they have given to Charlie!

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

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Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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