World Animal Day is celebrated every year on October 4th and is a day that unites all of us advocating for the improvement of animal rights and welfare standards.

The mission statement reads: “through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare.”

The idea of World Animal Day was originated by Heinrich Zimmermann, the German writer and publisher of the magazine Mensch und Hund/Man and Dog. He organized the first World Animal Day on 24 March 1925 in Berlin and moved it to 4 October for the first time in 1929. Initially he found a following only in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia.

Every year Zimmermann worked tirelessly on the promotion of World Animal Day. Finally, in May 1931 at a congress of the world’s animal protection organizations in Florence Italy, his proposal to make 4 October World Animal Day universal, was unanimously accepted. World Animal Day was chosen to be on 4 October as it is the day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology, including animals. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was the founder of the Catholic Franciscan order. Legend has it that Saint Francis was able to talk to animals, which is why he is depicted in numerous paintings in their company. He would also preach to the animals. World Animal Day is the beginning of International Animal Week from 4th – 10th October.

Animals are an extremely important part of our society today, but sadly not all animals are loved and cared for. There are so many that have no homes to call their own. International Animal Week is a perfect opportunity to remind people how important it is to support those animals that need our help.

Our Kloof and Highway SPCA is appealing to all pet owners to be responsible and have their pets neutered and microchipped. Please assist us by doing your part in reducing the number of unwanted and abandoned animals. The statistics have reached such high numbers and sterilisation is vital to alleviate the suffering of unwanted litters. There are also so many animals that are never owner claimed, in fact with cats it is as little as 1 per cent – microchipping your pet will ensure you are reunited if your loved pet is ever lost. Our Kloof and Highway SPCA Clinic team will be holding an Outreach Clinic at our SPCA during this period as we are dedicated to sterilising as many animals as possible. The Inspectorate team will be collecting animals from the Dassenhoek area.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email:
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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