Millie and Mouse were surrendered to the SPCA as ‘untamable’
eight-week-old kittens.

These fearful, skittish little kittens needed patience, compassion, understanding and socialising to learn to trust.

Sadly, such kittens are normally not considered adoptable. Good fortune was on Millie and Mouse‘s side and they received socialising after hours by a cat lover who works with our SPCA and two volunteer friends who are aware how vital this function is. Millie and Mouse did spend a long time at the cattery, often looked
at but never chosen. Mouse was terribly shy and wouldn’t even come out of her box prior to socialisation, and Millie was so stressed she later developed unseemly urination problems. Luckily for the kittens, who grew older and bigger during their stay, they were finally adopted by Janiene Halse, who visited with the intention of only ‘saving a life’. Timid Mouse showed her approval on meeting Janiene by sitting on her lap for a few seconds: a big step for a little mouse. Janiene knew in her heart she could not split this bonded pair and made the decision to adopt them both.

Because the two kittens would be sharing space with Janiene’s tenants’ animals, they had to be introduced slowly to the family so that they could build confidence and feel safe with the other residents. Luckily Janiene’s family (artist Kerry Carter and her husband) was up to the task, and Mouse and Millie (renamed ‘Minnie’ at this point) were introduced to Bean and Axel, cats that were both adopted from the Kloof and Highway SPCA exactly one year and one day before the kittens came home. They also had to get used to two dogs, one of whom was adopted from the SPCA fifteen years ago, and, despite a little snapping and hissing in the beginning, the group eventually became a family and now spend most of the day together – eating, sleeping, following their people, and playing. Bean and Axel have taken the two new additions under their wings, watching closely when Minnie and Mouse were first exploring the outside.

Mouse has come out of her shell: she no longer hides behind pillows but has cultivated the loudest purr and will bump her head against the nearest person for affection. Minnie, the calico, has shown her family that ‘tortitude’ is a real thing, and has the sassiest, most expressive tail and a bit of a stubborn streak in addition to her very loving nature. Her urinary issues disappeared. Both have grown into the most affectionate lap-cats, sleeping and purring with their humans every night. The older cats also taught them the routines and joys of the day and soon discovered that four cats demanding breakfast and dinner is even more effective than two cats asking!

Thank you to Janiene Halse for adopting and loving both Minnie and Mouse, and to Kerry who gently and lovingly made a difference to these animals’ lives . Axel, Bean, Minnie and Mouse are so blessed to be part of your family. You have changed their lives forever and remind us that every life matters.

Bjorn and Beno find each other!

Beno has recently moved to Kloof and wanted to find a companion to make his home feel more like a home and decided to pay our SPCA a visit as wanted to give an unwanted animal a chance at a good life.

In Beno’s words, “Sometimes you look for a companion, but sometimes you find a family member. When I found out Bjorn means the same as my name, Bear, I knew it was destined. Welcome to the family you gorgeous blue eyed pup!”

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

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Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
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