On 1 June our Inspectorate Department was notified of a dog caught in a snare in the Shongweni area.

Field Officers Eric and Philani Nzama immediately made their way to the area in search of the dog. Once she was located, they began their rescue mission by gaining the trust of the dog who was cowering behind a tree in fear and trapped. 

With patience the inspectors managed to free the dog and remove the snare. The dog was then transported to our clinic to be checked by our Vet. Fortunately all turned out well and the dog who is now named Jasmine is now in our kennels and up for adoption. She is just the sweetest, most loving and gentle girl and most deserving of a home. We all love her dearly. 

If our inspectors had not got her from the snare, she would have been be in the cold weather for days, freezing, hungry and scared – instead she now has heaps of food and is safe in our kennels under a heating lamp.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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