One of our regular dog box contestants and her son Gabriel came into the SPCA to visit the cattery.

Gabriel had expressed his wish to adopt a kitten.

Sonia had been a bit concerned as their two dogs had never been around a cat so it was really a visit to have a look initially at the kittens. Gabriel spent some time in the cattery and there was an instant bond with a little tux kitten in K13 named Phoebe. Phoebe looked up into Gabriel’s eyes and locked her gaze on him. She was purring and snuggling into his chest. Phoebe had had a tough start in life, living alone in a factory and was found hiding between equipment and very hungry. Gabriel immediately said – I love her, please can I adopt her mom.

Sonia and Gabriel had to bring in their dogs into the SPCA to check their reaction to cats – quite a challenge with any dog that has not been with cats as the enclosure fronts are glass and the kittens and cats are all staring out! Sonia was particularly worried, however, she need not have been as the dogs were the opposite of aggressive and little Phoebe even came up to the glass with her paw out to Gabriel, once again imploring him to look into her eyes. The adoption could go ahead and Phoebe had found her family!

Today the two dogs and Phoebe are the best of friends, lying together on the couch. Phoebe is so loved and spoilt and loves to lie in Gabriel‘s lap or across Sonia. We are so grateful to those who change an animal’s life by adopting them at a time where we so need good homes.

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

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