Lets start with Molly’s story. On the 10th March our inspectors received a call from a member of the public to say a little brown dog was running in the road near Build It in Bothas Hill.

Our 3 inspectors Petra, Petros and Doctor struggled to catch this girl as she was absolutely petrified. After working tirelessly they managed to finally catch her with a net and bring her safely back to our clinic.

It appeared that she had had a rope tied tightly around her neck that had caused a severe penetrating laceration that extended completely around the circumference of her neck. (Some images are too graphic to share) She was terrified and would try to bite us at any given opportunity. We sedated her several times in an attempt to control the infection that had set in around her neck area.

Slowly but surely, after many courses of antibiotics we were able to stitch the wound closed. It took weeks to gain her trust and convince her that there were in fact good humans out there. Eventually we were able to touch her and then soon enough she was enjoying tummy rubs out on the grass and allowed us to put a lead around her which previously caused her major distress. We named her Molly and she has crept into all our hearts.

Noodle the Greyhound’s story. Noodle was brought into our SPCA by a member of the public on the 6th May.

He was found in the Shongweni area and we suspected that he was a hunting dog that had been caught in a snare.

He had severe wounds to his hind leg where we could see the bones and tendons. The wounds had also become extremely infected and infested by maggots. He was in an immense amount of pain that we originally thought his leg may be broken, but after x-raying him we discovered that his bones were still intact. The entire time we were handling him, people he had never met before, he did not display any signs of aggression towards us, only love.

We made the decision to do whatever we could to treat the leg in a hope that we could find him a loving home eventually. He had weeks and weeks of sedations, wound cleans, bandage changes as well as multiple courses of antibiotics to get the infection under control and still, he only showed us love and appreciation for what we were doing to help him. This boy is the epitome of the most gentle creature. Despite all the adversity that he must have faced in his life, he has still chosen to trust people, even those that were not worthy of such love from a dog of this calibre.


Mitch was taken away from her owner who was neglecting her, we had to obtain a warrant to retrieve her. She has recovered so well, having been given lots of love by the staff and dog walkers. She is now healthy and ready for adoption. See her playing in the water bowl below 🙂 

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29 Village Rd, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 3640

General Enquiries Email: reception@kloofspca.co.za
Phone: 031 764 1212/3
Fax: 031 764 6665
Emergency: 073 335 9322

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