The joy of adoptions:

We’ve no doubt that you share our joy when any animal in our kennels is adopted and goes home to a loving family.

Recently, we’ve had three reasons to be joyful and grateful:

Ada:  Last November, a Kloof Neighbourhood Watch member, Tom, contacted us about a mother dog and her puppies heartlessly dumped on the side of the road.

Field Officer, Philani Nzama went to the rescue whilst Tom stayed with the little family. Terrified, and fiercely protecting her puppies, the mother dog bit Philani in fear.  But Philani has a special touch, and mother and pups were soon safe with us, snuggled into a warm bed with blankets, food and water within reach.

We called her Ada, and she was a perfect mother, nursing and caring for her litter until they were old enough to leave her.  One by one the adorable puppies were adopted, leaving mum behind.

Not one to attract attention to herself, Ada was often overlooked for adoption.  She didn’t wag her tail non-stop or hang out her tongue to alert passers-by to her presence.  She would quietly walk up to the fence with a hopeful heart or a scratch or a soft hello.  Ada just waited patiently.  And after eight months, her patience was rewarded.  Someone saw her for what she was, and fell in love with her.

It was hard to say goodbye when Ada went to her new home.  But it really proved that ‘good things come to those who wait’.  Ada waited, and waited, and waited as we watched, and we’re sure that you share with us the joy of knowing that Ada is now enjoying the ‘good things’ of life, as she deserves to do.

Alfie: A forlorn little pup when he was picked up as a stray by one of our Inspectors.

His condition was shocking. His little body was thin and dehydrated.  His jagged cut ears were still bleeding and infected.  His tail had been broken, so what should have been a wagging tail going back and forth, was crooked and bent between his legs.

In spite of the cruelty inflicted on him, Alfie’s spirit was intact and we nursed him back to a playful, energetic ‘survivor’ with a zest for life, without a hint of bitterness or anger.  It was these very characteristics that spoke to Arthur and Theresa who chose Alfie to add to their existing family.

Now Alfie has a life of bedtime cuddles, walks in a forest and visits to a farm.  Alfie may have his outside imperfections, but inside he’s beautiful and deserving of the loving home that’s been given to him by Arthur and Theresa.

To all those who adopt an animal from the SPCA, ‘Thank You’.  And to all those who help us keep animals until they can be adopted, an equal ‘Thank You’.

Thank you for your caring, your love, and your contribution to the eventual joy of adoption.

Assagay with his new best friend, Donnee.

Donnee, a concerned animal lover, brought Assagay to us as a stray, regularly keeping in touch and sharing Assagay’s plea for a family of his own.

Donnee was aware, as we were, that a dog like Assagay was unlikely to be a first choice for adoption.  Compared with others, Assagay is an old dog that nobody wants, not handsome, not playful,  a cross breed rather than a pure breed – but inside and unseen he has the purest heart.

We were all starting to lose hope.  But unknown to us the magic that happens between animals and humans was growing into an unbreakable bond between Assagay and one of our volunteer dog walkers who has adopted him.

Assagay now has a home of his own;  he’s loved and cared for;  and his senior years will be filled with the slow Sunday walks that he so enjoys.  And we’ve no doubt that he’s giving back a hundredfold in return,  with all the loyalty and affection that a dog can give to his family.


Assagay with his new best friend, Donnee and on the right is Alfie.
