What if?

So much in life can be taken for granted – like the Kloof & Highway SPCA branch always being there for the care of animals in our area.

But reality is harsh.  With no Government funding, and animal welfare being low on the official priority list, we depend on the generosity of our friends and supporters to keep our doors open each month.

The Village Green is a big part of this generosity, bringing in half of our financial needs each month.  So, donations to keep our various shops running are more important than ever in these difficult times.  Donations in kind, and support from shoppers are both vital to our continued existence.

Most households have items they no longer use . . . books long read, outgrown children’s toys, good quality clothing that no longer fits or is out of fashion, even furniture and appliances that still work can have a second life.  And all these are so appreciated by shoppers on a limited budget, making it a win/win outcome.

Please support our thrift shops in any way that you can, so that the animals can continue to receive the care they deserve.
